This is the first recipe that I have ever wanted to make that I actually needed a food processor for. My mom gave me a food processor about 15 years ago, and it sat in my cabinet taking up space for 10 years, never once used. So, I gave it away. Since then, every recipe I have come across that called for a food processor, I've been able to get away with just using a blender. But a blender wasn't going to cut it for Oreos. So, I had to BUY a food processor. Which I guess means that I'll be making cookie butter till the cows come home because I have no other use for it.
It kind of went like this: Kevin sees food processor box on counter and asks "What's that for?" Me: "Nothing." Kevin comes into kitchen when I'm putting away groceries and attacks the package of Oreos. Me: "Wait, those aren't for you." "What are they for?" "Something." Yeah, I'm real good at keeping secrets.
But back to the recipe... it was embarrassingly easy. Oreos and neutral-taste coconut oil. That's it. Less than 10 minutes in the food processor and it's ready to be spread on a piece of toast... or a banana... or a graham cracker... or your fingers...

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