Claire slept through the night last night till 6:30 this morning when I woke her up. Of course she didn't go to sleep until 1 am after three hours of fussing, screaming and eating (two boobs and three bottles to be exact). This is what she looked like at 9:45 pm, when I told Kevin, "I'm just going to change her diaper and then put her down in her crib." Famous last words, right? This is what she looked like this morning when I busted her out of her swaddle. It's a good thing she's so darn cute!
Claire slept in her crib for the first time the other night... I thought it might be a struggle since she had been sleeping in the rock-n-play sleeper for so long, but she didn't mind it at all. Now if I could just convince myself to turn off the audio on the baby monitor, I might be able to sleep through all the false wake-ups where she squeals and then immediately falls back asleep. Nickname of the Day - Hungry Hungry Hippo This child eats constantly! When she's hungry, she'll beat her face on the chest and shoulder of whomever's holding her, or she'll open and close her mouth like a baby bird... We had Claire's newborn photo shoot last Sunday with Elizabeth Ann Photography. It lasted about 2.5 hours! She was pretty fidgety and it took a lot of soothing to get her to go to sleep so we could get some pictures without her hands and feet flailing everywhere. Luckily we were able to get a couple at the beginning of her with her eyes open before she finally fell asleep! Click here to go to the gallery... password is Clair (yes, that's an incorrect spelling of her name). Enjoy!
Food Coma
We took Claire to her first doctor's appointment on Monday... as we suspected, it seems that my milk has not fully come in yet and Claire wasn't getting enough to eat. That's why she was sleeping all day and crying all night. I had an appointment with a lactation consultant at the hospital that same day and they put me on a plan to breastfeed her, and then supplement with formula while also pumping for some time after each feeding to try to increase my milk supply. She had another doctor appointment today and she gained 4 ounces in two days. She's a much happier baby now -- she actually has awake time where she's just 'awake' and not screaming and she let me sleep for 3 hours last night. Diaper changes are now mostly drama-free, though that seems like a limited time offer, so you really have to get it done while the gettin's good. |
May 2019