Pictures from Kristal's Cowboy Baby Shower are up at! Kevin is a hard person to buy presents for... he doesn't really want presents, he much prefers to just buy his own stuff. We recently got a Trader Joe's (finally) and he was all excited to try the cookie butter, but he thought it was too sweet. So for a Christmas present, I decided to try my hand at making Oreo cookie butter. This is the first recipe that I have ever wanted to make that I actually needed a food processor for. My mom gave me a food processor about 15 years ago, and it sat in my cabinet taking up space for 10 years, never once used. So, I gave it away. Since then, every recipe I have come across that called for a food processor, I've been able to get away with just using a blender. But a blender wasn't going to cut it for Oreos. So, I had to BUY a food processor. Which I guess means that I'll be making cookie butter till the cows come home because I have no other use for it. It kind of went like this: Kevin sees food processor box on counter and asks "What's that for?" Me: "Nothing." Kevin comes into kitchen when I'm putting away groceries and attacks the package of Oreos. Me: "Wait, those aren't for you." "What are they for?" "Something." Yeah, I'm real good at keeping secrets. But back to the recipe... it was embarrassingly easy. Oreos and neutral-taste coconut oil. That's it. Less than 10 minutes in the food processor and it's ready to be spread on a piece of toast... or a banana... or a graham cracker... or your fingers... ![]() Since it was a gift, I made a little tag for the top of the 8 oz. mason jar I used to store it. And you can print 12 of these nifty little tags by clicking here: Oreo Cookie Butter Printable Tags Enjoy! Well, Grandma has been busy! Claire got two more quiet books for Christmas! This is the first one... The second book is called "Fastening My Things"... most pages are made with thrift store finds... My mom made this amazing quiet book (also called a busy book) for Claire to play with while I'm trying to get a few things done around the house. She's a little young for it right now, but the idea is that it would only be brought out when I need to keep her occupied while I'm making dinner or something like that. She made all of the pages with her stash of fabrics, scraps from the senior center and things she found at the thrift store. She did have to buy some of buttons and things for a couple bucks here and there. Claire is so lucky to have such a talented Grandma! Quiet Book not so quiet from Sashasmommy on Vimeo. |
May 2019